Back to School Skincare for Pre-Teens: Starting Healthy Habits Early

By Jodi Ramos-Austria

As pre-teens are heading back to school, it's not just the excitement of new classes and friends that they’re facing—many are also dealing with the early onset of acne. What was once a source of anxiety primarily for teenagers is now affecting children as young as seven. A report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) found that more than 40% of kids aged 7-9 experience acne, with over three-quarters of those aged 10-12 facing similar issues. “I’ve definitely seen a shift,” said Dr. Latanya T. Benjamin, a dermatologist at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford. “It’s not uncommon for a 7 or 9 year-old to walk in with the first signs of acne.”

Why Is Acne Appearing Earlier?

According to Dr. Lawrence Eichenfield, lead author of the AAP report and pediatric dermatologist at Stanford, the earlier onset of puberty is likely the culprit behind this shift. Hormonal changes in puberty increase the activity of sebaceous glands, leading to more oil production. This excess oil, when combined with dead skin cells, clogs pores, traps bacteria, and triggers breakouts. Factors like stress and genetics can also play a role in early acne development.

The Importance of Early Skincare

While most pre-teen acne is mild and can be managed with a simple skincare routine, it's crucial to address it early to prevent more severe issues down the road. Even mild acne, if left untreated or picked at, can lead to scarring or hyperpigmentation.

More severe acne in early years can be a sign of things to come, so you definitely want to get it under control as early as possible to avoid it developing into cystic acne or scarring.

Establishing good skincare habits before acne appears can help prevent future breakouts and ensure healthier skin as your child grows. It’s also important to note that what works on adult skin is different from teens - so parents, avoid sharing your products with your children!

A Simple Skincare Guide for Pre-Teens

Starting around age 8, it's important to help your child develop a consistent skincare routine. Use this simple guide to determine what skin care products your child needs.

  1. Nightly Gentle Cleansing: Starting at age 8, begin with a mild facial cleanser used nightly to remove dirt and oil. We can recommend gentle options tailored to young skin.

  2. Cleansing for Acne Control: At the first sign of pimples, switch to a cleanser formulated to combat acne. For those with dark skin tones prone to hyperpigmentation or sensitive skin, a Mandelic Acid Wash is a great choice, as it kills acne bacteria and suppresses inflammation-related pigmentation.

  3. Toner: Consider adding a toner to the routine to prevent debris from clogging pores.

  4. Acne/BP Gel: For more aggressive breakouts, keep an acne/BP Gel Med on hand. It helps flush out pores and remove blockages. We offer different percentages based on what’s suitable for your child’s skin, so it’s important to consult with your acne specialist.

Quick Tips for Pre-Teens

  • Start Early: Developing good habits before breakouts begin is key to avoiding future issues.

  • Be Consistent: Acne takes about 30 days to form, so maintaining a regular routine is essential.

  • Don’t Spot Treat: Treating the entire face helps prevent future breakouts by addressing bacteria in the surrounding areas.

  • Hands Off: Teach your child to avoid picking at pimples to prevent scarring and spreading bacteria.

  • Ice is Nice: Speed up pimple healing by rubbing ice over the area before applying toner. This reduces inflammation and enhances product absorption.

  • Use Sunscreen: Contrary to popular belief, sun exposure can worsen acne and lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dark marks left behind after pimples clear).

  • Beware of Sweaty Hats: Pimples along the hairline could be from sweaty hats, helmets, or headbands. Keep these items clean and wash them after use.

When to Seek Help

If your pre-teen shows signs of more severe acne, don't hesitate to reach out for professional advice. Early intervention can make a big difference in managing acne and maintaining healthy skin.

By starting a simple, consistent skincare routine early, you can help your child navigate the challenges of acne with confidence and ease. Book a consultation with us, and let's make this school year one of clear, healthy skin!


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